Sport London e Benfica Academy
A professional coaching organization, specializing in the coaching of boys and girls aged 4 – 14. Our aim is to help, support and encourage young people too spend time outdoor, and motivate every child to bring their condition, coordination and confidence. Our vision is to improve their individual needs by developing Sport London e Benfica Academy program, which will enhance and strengthen their weakness and overall football – sport potential. This will involve a variety of trainings and workshops, such as intensive exercise, fair-play, anti racism, culture and attitude along with respect, creativity, team work and education within the field of sport. The Sport London e Benfica Academy is arranging matches and tournaments to help the kids taste the winning aspect of the game, how to work together, but also to learn how to go through bad scores and make them understand, that the most important is to have a fun, not a results. Sport London e Benfica Academy is also organizing “Eagle Camps” during the summer holiday or half-terms.